
Glad you guys are enjoying this smile .

Lovesuper - aw... no tears - well only happy ones? Now that Clark's stopped being a lunkhead?

Sonia - Got it. Some of what you're talking about is coming up, but I'll add some more back in the previous two chapters as well. And, yeah, I, um, meant that with the nursing thing. Really. Uh huh wink . Wasn't written as a mom who's been gone for a weekend and knows how pumping doesn't quite cut it...

Michael - for all we know, she took one before she left for work on Sunday and after she got home on Monday - when she took a shower or whatever. Thought you'd like the preview wink .

Sara - see note to Sonia - some of what you're looking for is coming up in the next two chapters and I'll go back and add more in the last couple. Also to remember is that while the end of the THIS story is rapidly approaching, it's by no means the end of THEIR story. In fact, UP picks up not too long after this leaves off - so wherever they leave off, we'll see more of what comes next.

UW - hmm... Will have to keep that in mind wink .

JD - I said that SuperClark wouldn't move Lois' things back to their room before the end of the story. That doesn't mean they're not in the same room - whether that means sleeping, not sleeping or Clark on the couch... well that could be up for grabs... I think this Clark is kind of where LtL's Clark was for a long time - he proves he'll stay by not leaving.

SheliaH - you make some good points smile . Sexual tension? What's that? /ducks/

Ann - [Did I mention I read your Clara Ellen Lane story recently? You should write more!] Anyway - mid-March? What's in mid-March? Hoping to post UP staring no later than mid-Jan. Have part of the new chapter written [since Lana isn't the spawn of the devil anymore - sent them back to Smallville - and I should have been ficathoning instead but... /sigh/] and once I get it [though it may turn into two] done and the other tweaks to the beginning, I'll start posting UP. I have 28+ chapters done already and I think 7-10 more to go. We'll have to see, but I think 40 would be *really* pushing it at this point. Hoping to start posting no later than the middle of next week really - after DH is back at work.

I would like to thank you guys for your insight. I've addressed a few of the things you've mentioned in more detail than originally [which puts 145 now over the 2100 mark instead of about 1700 wink ]. Thanks!
