Man, haters in the thread. goofy

No, I don't want to see Clark suffer. Yes, he's put Lois through a lot of **** in this story, but let's get off the vengeance and retaliation train, people. They both started off in a marriage they didn't want to be in, and even though Lois handled it better than he did (LOL who have would believe that?), that doesn't mean we take out our pitchforks and roast the sulky husband over an open flame. And I know, I've been giving him **** the entire story, but at the end of the day, I'm obligated under church doctrine to forgive. wink

Totally on board with you about the end of the story, Carol. It's dead-on that they won't be back in the same room quite yet. They just need quality time to really get to know each other again, and I think Clark's right-on--he can prove he loves her by just not leaving. Always being her biggest supporter.

Great parts,

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy