I have a totally different viewpoint. To me, deathfic is the most awful thing I can read. It doesn't matter how well it's written. If it ends with finality, with Lois or Clark losing what makes them live and breathe, I won't read it, and if I've been tricked into reading it, I'm furious with the writer. I don't even want to think about such a possibility.

I know that many persons can read it and feel great crying their eyes out. I can't. At 58, I've lost too many people in real life, and seen death and grief too much in my line of work. I have seen people die. Death isn't romantic. It's final, and horrible. Yes, we all face it in the end, but it's not something I look forward to with any anticipation, and nothing at all that I can enjoy, even in a story. It may be part of life, but that doesn't make it any better. Diarrhea is part of life, too, but I'm not going to write a fanfic about it, and a digestive complication is a lot less serious than death.

I read to escape some of the unpleasant things that we all face, and some of the trials that I am currently enduring. Deathfic doesn't improve my frame of mind in such situations and I hate it. I will never write such a story and avoid like the plague any such stories that are written by other authors. To me, Lois and Clark is about hope, not despair. Stories about meaningless, premature death aren't hopeful, and to me are the antithesis of everything the series was about.

If that makes me shallow, so be it.

'Nuff said.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.