
I'd like to say that I'm not a fan of deathfic. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own tastes, but I tend to shy away from deathfics.

Some of my reasons have already been explored in earlier posts, but one has not.

I loved the show Lois and Clark for a number of reasons. One of these reasons was that it celebrated the idea of hope and goodwill.

Lois and Clark faced many traumas, but in their world good always triumphed over bad.

Now I am not naive, nor am I young, and I know that life isn't like that. I also know that sometimes 'death' is not always the worst thing that can happen. Often it is the quality of life that matters and how death takes us is important too.

I can read deathfics which have either Lois or Clark dying in old age. This is the cycle of life and I might shed a few tears, but my sensitive soul can accept that.

I also don't mind reading stories which have serious whams, I even write them, but I do prefer whams which can be put right. In fact, I've even written stories where secondary characters die.

However, stories where, in the end, evil destroys good... and in the case of Catherine's story, which was very well written, where justice which should be relied upon was dupped by evil and became evil in itself, was just a step too far for me.

I write and read fanfic for the same reasons I watched and loved the show. It made me feel uplifted and warm inside. Now this might be considered looking at life through rose-coloured spectacles and I can assure you, I don't do that.

But I do believe that hope and positive thinking is a very strong tool to negotiate the horrors of real life, and anything that can make me feel good about life is a bonus for me, including TV fantasy shows and fanfiction.

As I said at the start of my post, each one to his/her own tastes, but I prefer not to read fics where death is a strong theme.

Yours Jenni