May I respectfully suggest we all pull back a bit, take a deep breath, and calm down?

Catherine's story had a warning: "Disclaimer: I own them not. However, I didn’t put them back as I found them. Consider this your WHAM warning as well."

To me, that is crystal clear that the toys get broken by the end. Not everyone will like it. Even this bit of a warning is a courtesy, not a requirement. And I think we should stick with courtesy and requests for these warnings, not requirements. If I felt I had to evaluate my story for all of the warnings and content that might upset some reader, I'd never post. EVER. (No.. haven't posted L&C fanfic yet. But I have ideas.. and I have written and published fanfic for other shows.)

However…. this discussion is supposed to be about deathfic in general, NOT about Catherine's story specifically. Yes, her story was the catalyst for this discussion, but it could just as easily been some other story, so let's not put undue focus on BoJ, okay?

And can we not go down the road where we start critiquing each other's views of what is and is not "respect" for a character? It's subjective. I don't think any fanfic writer does this for any reason other than respect for the show, the ideas, and the characters. We may perceive the results differently, but we cannot really judge motives because motives have never been publically stated.

It's been a fascinating discussion, but I'm starting to see sand flying around in the sandbox here... and I hate getting sand in my eyes. So let's throw a bucket of cold water on it and make it stick a bit more, fly a bit less, and go back to talking about our individual perceptions.

I can speak only for myself. I think that is true for each of us. So let's get back to explaining why we each feel and think the way we do. It's more sensitive to the feelings of others, provides more context for understanding, and in my opinion, is more interesting. For example, if you want to discuss a case of 200 women killed for genocide--- talk about how YOU feel about it, how you interpret it, how you react to it. I can respond in kind, and we'll walk both away more informed.



Jackie N.