Lois was never important in herself when she was alive. We are not asked to take an interest in Lois herself in these stories. We are not asked to identify with her or to wish her well. She is, I think, either treated as an appendage or an accessory which can be discarded since she/it doesn't matter anyway, or else she is treated as Clark's pet interest and obsession...

Try to write a story which naturally invites us to identify with Lois, care about Lois and wish Lois well. Are you Lois-killers capable of doing that?
Well, I wrote a story last year in which Lois was killed. A Twist of Fates. I don't think that I come across, as a writer, as someone who sees Lois merely as a cipher. But then, what do I know? Maybe you should tell me: do I treat Lois with disrespect in my writing? Do I not identify with her? Do I treat her as a mere appendage?

I respect your views on deathfic, Ann, and your wish to avoid it at all costs. But I don't think that being disrespectful to authors who have written fic in which a major character dies is appropriate or fair.


Just a fly-by! *waves*