Actually, I used to be very violently against any story I felt to have a "sad ending". That was basically all I had against Black Beauty--it ended with a death, so I perceived it to be completely and hopelessly sad.

On rereading it at an older age, I realised the death wasn't the point. But try telling that to a second grader.

I totally understand the viewpoints of Nan and others who hate deathfics, because I felt that way for a long time. As life changed for me, I guess I found that I couldn't believe in conventional happy endings, at least not all the time, so I started accepting others. And as I believe a lot of things are redeemable, I see the beauty even in sadness. Still, there are days when I have to read something very happy just because it is. I like both, but I think I still read more happy than sad overall. Unless it's required reading, and then I have no choice.


Swoosh --->