This is my third post to this thread today, and probably three too many.
To me, your comment meant that you would indeed kill Lois just to tell a story about Clark. You even called your own killing of Lois secondary.
My interpretation of Catherine's comment was that the primary focus of the story was an exploration of Clark's reaction to the justice system - which he so staunchly believed in and supported - betraying him so completely. Call that the "A" plot, if you will, with Lois's death as the "B" plot (or obvious catalyst for the "A" plot). This does not automatically mean that she considered Lois's death as meaningless and/or trivial. If I were to list five reasons why I didn't like something, for example, reasons 1 and 2 might have equal or almost equal importance, but I had to make a choice as to which one was #1. This doesn't trivialize or diminish reason #2.

Specifically, Catherine, I do want to ask you not to kill Lois again in such a way that Lois's death is just a secondary thing in the story.
Ann, you are obviously passionate about what you believe in, and you normally express yourself very well. Therefore I assume that I am not misunderstanding when I see here what appears to be a strongly worded request as to what Catherine should or should not write.

As you've admitted, you've made a lot of comments about a story that you have only skimmed through very quickly. I can understand if you know that it is not to your tastes - as you can see from this thread, you are not alone in your aversion to most deathfics. But I think it is inappropriate for you to ask another author to avoid writing a story with a subject matter that you feel distasteful.

I don't write fanfic. I have tried - I have a 60+ page story on my hard disk that was started years ago for another fandom that will never see the light of day. There are a lot of factors that go into creating a story, and a cooperative muse seems to be one of them. I don't have that. So many of you do. And it is your right to write your story as you see fit, just as it is my right to choose whether or not to read it. I think these boundaries should be clear and obvious to all.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5