I have always hated and become terribly depressed by deathfic. I think one of the reasons why I ultimately rejected my Christian religion is that several of the Biblical stories I read as a six- and seven-year-old got to me so extremely badly, especially the story about God drowning all of humanity under the Flood. And then how God tortured and eventually killed a lot of Egyptian children just because he wanted to punish Pharaoh. I also took it extremely badly that God would somehow need to have his own son tortured and killed just so that he would be able to forgive and save humanity.

Good for me, by the way, that there was no "Passion of the Christ" movie that my parents could have taken me to see when I was a kid - not that they would have been cruel enough to take me if there had been one, of course. But I read a positive review of the movie, where the reviewer was nevertheless appalled to see that a morally-superior looking woman had brought her two children, apparently around three and five years old, to see the movie with her.
