One more question, prompted by the types of responses I've seen above. It seems, from what people have said, that the visceral level aversion is a life-long thing. This further supports my view that it's not a reflection of age or life experience, but rather how one is wired. So… has ANYONE? actually moved from one camp to the other? Or perhaps shifted in the degree of your response to deathfics? I've always been willing to read them... and that hasn't changed from my earliest bookworm days.

And I have to ask… what about Black Beauty turned you off, Capes? To me, it was a triumphant story complete with a happy ending. I can see why one would have an aversion to Charlotte's Web or Where the Red Fern Grows (Both of which I loved the first time I read them, as well as in revisits to them.)…but Black Beauty? I'm scratching my head here.


Jackie N.