But why do I have to avoid writing stories where Martha dies just because reader X detests that? As long as I write well, isn't it okay for me to explore that angle of Clark's character? Or do I have to avoid it because I'm contributing to a movement to go back to the days where the Kents died when Clark was still a young man?
Sorry, J., I worded my comment too vaguely. I was trying to avoid asking for a writer to let me (a reader) know what type of story I'm about to commit my time and emotions too. I certainly didn't mean you ought not to write what you want. Think i did say you should, in fact. smile ) Don't think anyone is saying don't wite deathfic if you want too.

You're right about positive criticism, of course - noting of smooth transitions, the citing of the use of evocative language, those example where the reader feels you got the character "spot on', or a gripping A plot, etc. That too is really helpful. (not to mention pleasing smile )

But since I'm not that strong a writer, I'd be pretty surprised if there weren't a few "offs" and i like to know about them. smile
