Wendy, you had me thinking I hadn't read Twist of Fates there for a second. <g> So I had to check it again. Yep, as I thought, Lois is alive and well at the end of the fic. So not a deathfic, but rather a 'temporary out-of-body' fic, a la Tryst or Out of Time. Who knows, maybe that's what I was writing in the character Jeff in Yesterday Upon the Stairs?

opinion warning again.

But I don't think that being disrespectful to authors who have written fic in which a major character dies is appropriate or fair.
I didn't get that sense of disresepct at all from what Ann had written, but rather a sense of concern about those stories which trivialize Lois Lane. I guess we filter people's comments through our own particular prisms.

On the subject of warnings, it's all a bit circular. Some writers don't want to give away their endings, but in order to maintain their sense of 'artistic prerogative' (sorry for that very pompous term but nothing else is coming to mind) they have to be willing to disrespect the feelings of some of their readers. Some readers, in order to protect their own feelings, have to to ask that the writers resepct those feelings as more important than their own individual 'artistic perogative'.

c. (who is trying very hard and failing)