And if there are significantly more Lois deathfics than Clark deathfics, then that suggests to me that I should smile through my tears at Lois's death, just like I was asked to smile through my tears at the little Christian girls' deaths. But I shouldn't have to imagine Clark's death, just like I wasn't asked to imagine the deaths of little boys in the educational children's stories I was reading.
Oh, I don't think it suggests anything of the sort, Ann. What it suggests is simply that authors will always write the stories which occur to them at the moment, which interest them.
As always with this topic, you seem to be pinning a lot of assumptions onto what other member's motivations are. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. No deep motivations to insult your favourite character. No misogynistic desire to devalue women. Just storytelling for the fun of it.
As others have noted - if you've spotted an imbalance in deathfics, then why not take a positive stance on it, rather than a constantly negative one? Write your own Clark deathfic. Issue a challenge in the Challenge Folder for Clark deathfic....
Like others, I have trouble understanding your own motivations for starting up this thread and beginning this topic yet again. You can have no hope that opinions will have changed. Views will be expressed that have been expressed a thousand times already in all the other threads you've begun and the same people will make them.
By this point, you might as well just have begun the thread with a link to the last one you started and let everyone read that instead.

Save us all the trouble of repeating ourselves. Because it's beginning to feel like we're all caught in one of those endless time loops from SF shows, doomed to pointlessly repeat the same instant in time.
But...we're not really into closing down threads in this forum, so if you want to revisit this one endlessly and repeatedly...hey, knock yourself out.