Each time, we discuss this I learn something new - this time, for me, a few things. But in particular Hasini's idea that links the fact that most of us are women and many of us may like to fantasize about how a lover would react to our deaths.
On the flip side, another reason for the abundance of Lois death fics that ties in with what Hasini mentioned could be that women don't kill off Clark (leaving behind a grief-stricken Lois) because we'd rather not think of our own husbands/significant others dying. Personally, writing about a grieving woman who is left behind by her husband is a disturbing thought, at least, it is to me.
As for this "dead horse" that everyone talks about, I really don't have a stand on the issue. Reading death fic doesn't really bother me anymore than people discussing it does. But when looking for reasons as to why there is a seemingly larger number of Lois death fics, this idea occurred to me, so I thought I'd throw it out there.