Sue, I think you've maybe attributed my post to Ann, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, my point about nfic was that my fantasies about Clark Kent did not, by a long shot include fantasies about his mourning a dead Lois Lane (the theory advanced being that's why there's so much more Lois deathfic out there). I was trying to say that's the last thing I fantasize about - that visions of the more active nfic variety are , well - better.

I'm not sure at all why you felt your morals were being questioned.
very puzzled
As someone who has read nfic (and beta'd it), I'm not about to question the morality of it.

keep wriiing the stuff.
Regardless, that nfic crack was not the point of that post but was an aside. My point was that there are several factors at work in explaining why deathfic here takes the shape it does. We can't be reducing such a complex issue to one factor. Nor should we dismiss the diverse suggestions that have been presented.