I'm reading so much intolerance of Ann's views in some of these posts. Surely she has as much right to raise these issues as does a writer to post another deathfic? After all we've seen Lois deathfics before, too.
I haven't read this latest deathfic so I don't know if there was anything new in it - some new insight into the characters that we've never seen before in a deathfic. But if we're going to criticise Ann for posting ideas that we are familiar with (although we haven't seen the Hamlet take on it before which I thought was interesting

) then shouldn't we apply that same criterion to a deathfic? - shouldn't there be some new insight in it to justify it?
But we don't, of course. Nor should we, any more than we should demand that a poster's non-fic comments be always original. (there would go most of the comments in the fdk threads if we did <g>)
Ann posts lengthy fdk which I suspect most writers love to get. :)She likes to write, expand, explain. I'm one of those who enjoy reading her comments, especially when they make me think of some aspect of a story in a way I hadn't perceived it.
As well, all of us have our views and attitudes shaped by the culture in which we've been raised. See, for example, Sue's strong reference to how her religion has helped her cope with death.
There are more Lois-deahfics and dead- Lois fics than Clark dfs.
To say , "well, that's what people want to write" merely restates the observation. Surely it's can't be wrong to probe why a pattern exists? To try to undrstand it?
Sue's having a hard time killing Clark

But it's easy - as the writer you can do whatever you want to.

This discussion has been had before too, and suggestions have been made on the methods. Also, the show nearly did so a couple of times, and if it hadn't been for Lois's intervention....
Death is painful, mean and brutal. To overlook that aspect, to romanticise it into some sort of 'passing away' with no mention of the horror and the suffering is....
Now that I think of it, I'm not sure we've ever had a Lois death-fic - what we've had is sad-Clark-mourning fics.

Although, I'd better qualify that by saying that once I see a warning that a fic is Lois deathfic I don't read it - I do check those warning threads at the top of the fanfic list.

Sometimes I peek though - the trainwreck thing.
btw, I don't want to read such a fic, so please don't take this as a challenge to write one
Sue and Kathy, thank-you for yo so much for your sympathy and understanding.
c (who these days is only capable of playing in the shallow end of the pool )