Not sure one's reading needs to be all that enclusive. A representative sample is enough.
Ah, but how could you identify a representative sample unless you were familiar with the stories? A statistican will first have studied the make-up of the population in order to choose a perfect sample.
But as you know from other comments I've posted, I've read some death fic so I assure you my thoughts on the genre are not based on being a death-fic virgin. Even beta'd two for the archive when I was GEing. So your scolding is a bit unfounded.
Oh, okay. Actually, I was speaking to the whole of none-deathfic-reading people through you. However, I think you may have been biased in your reading if you still insist that the only point in a deathfic is death. How about the artistic expression of bereavement and the effectiveness of its conveyance? How about how the means of Lois' death is differently set so that we can examine Clark's emotional response to each setting? Death itself is a many-nuanced thing, and I simply think it's an oversimplification to lump the whole thing under "Deathfic- Ew!"
That's actually what made think of comparing it to slash. People (in the HP fandom, which is my only other fandom) simply say that they are not intersted in reading fic that contains a male/male pairing. In fact, they thought it was by definition adult and a well, squicky issue which people ought to be warned about before reading. Now most slash fiction I read are either PG or PG-13 and are even more intricately written and well-characterized that het fic because the author is concsious that the evolving of a relationship between two characters who have very little canon foundation for supposed sexual ambiguity. And actually selling it to the reader takes careful work. To be sure, there's a lot of very bad fic, but as we say in slash, "when it's good, it's amazing!"
The same can be said of deathfic. A squicky and hard-to-write subject which meets with a certain amount of prejudice from readers because of it's propensity to turn into an angsty-angst-angst fest. However, I'd rather wade through the bad ones to aappreciate the good ones, which when well done, are rather brilliant.
btw what specific parts of what I wrote earlier in this thread came across as 'biased griping'?
Umm, that was when you likened deathfic to kiddie porn and earlier, when Ann said that we wrote more Lois deathfic than Clark deathfic because our feminist ideals were overruled by misogynist cultural conditioning. And I didn't say you 'were'griping, I said it just came across that way.
Am a Clana shipper anyway.
That was a joke. To underine the absuridity of it all. *headdesk*
ME? Clana?