Comparing Lois deathfics to kiddie porn is hardly fair, Carol. In fact that's a rather hurtful thing to say! Kiddie porn is a criminal and amoral activity! Rather, liken it to a legitimate genre like slash or sci-fi or action/adventure.
On reflection, I think you're right about the example that I used, Hasini.
But I'm not certain that the examples you've provided work as well either because neither gets at the obscene horror of death. Slash is hardly about that I gather, but is a genre that deals with adult sexual orientation. (am I right about that? never having actually read any, I don't know for sure) And adventure or sci-fi is very benign. I'd thought about using 'kiddie fic' which is a much maligned genre by a few posters on these boards

however that too is a benigh genre. But that thought lead me into your no-go zone, Hasini - and i went.
But you're right, it's not quite fitting as a parallel of equal weight either. Unlike the other examples, it has the same seriousness, but the moral dimension makes it inappropriate.
The first rule of true critiquing is that one must familiar and thorough with the subject before you do. Otherwise it just comes across as biased griping.
Not sure one's reading needs to be all that enclusive. A representative sample is enough.
But as you know from other comments I've posted, I've read some death fic so I assure you my thoughts on the genre are not based on being a death-fic virgin.

Even beta'd two for the archive when I was GEing. So your scolding is a bit unfounded.
btw what specific parts of what I wrote earlier in this thread came across as 'biased griping'? I'm not going to say I have no biases though - no one can make such a claim.
Am a Clana shipper anyway.