But are L&C authors who choose to write a deathfic where Lois has died doing so because they believe - either consciously or subconsciously - that Lois is inferior to Clark simply because she is a woman? I'm not privy to their thoughts, but I truly doubt it, and I fear that Ann is insulting them by trying to attribute this as a possible motive.
I'm less certain that writers are uninfluenced subconsciously by that belief. But perhaps that's because I think that the cultures in which we've been raised and live have quite an impact on shaping our perceptions of reality. But that doesn't mean that all L & C fanfic writers are influenced in the specific way under discussion, nor that that bias about gender roles is the top influence shaping what gets written.
As Kathy says, "we are not privy to their thoughts".
Not to mention, it's difficult to asses subconscious influences.
it's complicated - think there are probably several factors involved in trying to understand it.
At any rate, I don't see that Ann is insulting anyone with her suggestion.

I doubt there's a writer out there who isn't influenced in some way by her subconscious.

(I guess this statement shows I've bought into the world as seen by Freud and all his heirs.) Now this doesn't mean I don't also believe in Free Will - we are not all zombies, Borg, whatever all of the time, controlled by those who conditioned us.
last rambling , early morning thought: Just as writers are motivated. both consciously and subconsciously by a variety of factors, so too are readers as they process what the author has written.
An unexamined life is not worth living
- Socrates