I am something of a rather large sort of idiot.
Here I am, assuming that people who don't like deathfic are simply prejudiced against an angst overdose and should be introduced to the concept of "trying it before dissing it". Completely ignoring the fact that death is an extremely sensitive issue especially to people like Carol, who have recently faced loss in real life and adding insult to injury by implying that a reluctance to discuss death is akin to homophobia. Yep, I think I should go do an inventory of how many brain cells I have remaining.
I am truly sorry for becoming so obnoxious in my later posts.

I really shouldn't assume about other people's preferences so much. It is perfectly understandable that people who have become sensitized to the whole issue of death in RL will simply not want to deal with it in fiction and call it entertainment.
I think this is where I slouch off into the corner, extract my foot from the recesses of my mouth and eat humble pie instead.