So to sum up my point: We know how you feel about the subject, you know how we feel. Why do you keep bringing it up when you know nothing will change?
Ah Saskia. This isn't about your story in particular, so take heart. smile
I suspect , too, that when you say 'we' you don't intend to imply each and every poster or member of these boards other than Ann.

But does no one ever change? Are we never able to say, "Hey. there's something I never thought of before." ?

Hasini did a good job summarizing what's gone in this thread a few posts back. We've all got a little carried away at some point or other during this.

You said that "nothing new has come up", but I think a few points have come up that haven't before as well as perhaps more of a knowledge of where individual posters are coming from. So hopefully we've each gained a little understanding we didn't have before.

I have, anyway. smile
