Comparing Lois deathfics to kiddie porn is hardly fair, Carol. In fact that's a rather hurtful thing to say! Kiddie porn is a criminal and amoral activity! Rather, liken it to a legitimate genre like slash or sci-fi or action/adventure. People don't like the genre don't read it and therefore, apart from a generalized idea of the appeal of such stories or the kind of content that's in them they don't KNOW much about it. The first rule of true critiquing is that one must familiar and thorough with the subject before you do. Otherwise it just comes across as biased griping.
I seriously don't think that it's possible to 'critique' an entire genre. That is merely criticising. Every story within a certain genre or even a universe is only as valid as the author makes it. Every story is different and unique. Lumping them all together as, well, "Bah! Deathfics" is hardly an opinion we can be expected to take seriously.
We respect your aversion to deathfics, and I do think we should put up some kind of warning for them. But you cannot and will not be able to criticise it constructively unless you know what you're talking about and can take an objective stance on the whole subject. And when I say, "know what you're talking about" I mean that you should have read deathfics extensively in order to be able to compare them with others and realize the attraction of deathfic, even if you don't feel it yourself.
btw, I'm not so sure that one has to read a deathfic to critique that genre's premise - Lois deathfic is Lois deathfic Nothing within the story will change the fact that she is dead.
Well, then I should probably give up reading LnC fanfic altogether, because I know what'll happen at the end - Lois and Clark get together. It doesn't matter what vital relationship issues and life truisms the writer manages to explore within the story itself, nor how enjoyable her writing is. The point of such fanfiction is that LnC get together. Save me the mush! Am a Clana shipper anyway. Bah!
Personally, I think you should at least pick a much-recommended deathfic and try it. Sometimes you have to take a chance on something you are positive you will hate. If I hadn't done that I would never have discovered the fascinating sub-genre that is slash fiction nor have enjoyed the obsessive addiction that is Smallville or even Harry Potter.
Oh and btw, Ann, you're welcome!
