I'll bite.

1. What shall we call you? Oops I forgot this question. Eh, people latch onto Jen, Shadow, JD...whatever floats your boat.

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Snicker, when did the NewK arc air...97? Been writing since the NewK arc and been posting in spurts since 200...1?

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Yes, Frasier and Charmed

4. Current stories you're working on? Nothing. When I write a story, I write nonstop till it's finished. :p

5. Your first fic? Man I don't even remember. I just kept spewing out the 500 ways I saw NewK playing out, none of which involved an alien invasion of Smallville haha!

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Hm, I probably had the most fun writing That Old Spoof of Mine.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? This year's piece, Everything But the Couches. The muse has been in and out lately...

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? I think I'm pretty good at making people giggle.

9. Your biggest weaknesses? Well, all I can actually do is make you laugh LOL. I'm very one note, but...see next q.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? I have the most fun writing comedy, so why do something else I won't like? I don't mind killing off characters either; I just haven't done it in some time.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Anything else. As the town cynic, I don't really care to write about romance, and that's half the show LOL.

12. What makes a fic good for you? Either quick or lyrical writing. I'm a very easily distracted person, so unless we're gonna pack sentences full of meaning or take a moment and draw the scenery for me, my mind will wander.

13. What ruins a fic for you? Too much introspection.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Maybe CC; she can just kill with one sentence, if that makes some ridiculous sense outside my own head.

15. The best fic you've read recently? Re-reading Long, Strange Trip right now of which I'm a huge fan! It's a very unique twist on the altClark story, and I find Lois' emotions very vivid and captivating.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy