
I'll be lazy and follow Paul's example and direct you to...


However, since that information is from 1999, I will try to update a little and answer some questions.

3) I have never written for any other show.

4) I'm currently working on a sequel to The Forgotten, called My Wife The Boss

6) I'm answering this one because my choice has actually changed since 1999. I'd say that The Forgotten is the story I am now most satisfied with. I also loved writing my Universal Union series, but 'proudest' is probably not a term I would apply to my writing.

7) I think my current story is the one I'm finding most difficult to write, but not because of the subject, but because my real life has been a bit stressful over the last few months... and I always was a slow writer. Plus, I have found doing my usual research for this story has been a bit problematic, which readers might understand when this story finally hits the MBs and Archive.

8) I guess my greatest strengths would lie in writing intricate A-plots, which I hope my readers enjoy. Also, I try to write well-rounded characters, both the new and those from the show. I hope I still stay true to the canon of Lois and Clark.

9) My weakness is in writing romance. I am still as much of a romantic as I was in 1999, but I'm not sure writing the romantic interludes between Lois and Clark is my strength.

10) Lois and Clark's future lives.

As to the rest of the questions, what I said in 1999 still applies, but I think my tastes have changed a little over the years.

I'm not going to list favourite authors, as I don't want anyone to feel left out. However, I'm so grateful that there is a new generation of L&C writers out there, both gfic and nfic, and I really appreciate all of their efforts... some more than others, but that's just personal taste.

I hope the link and my answers give you an idea of who Jenni Debbage was and still is.

Yours Jenni