
5. Your first fic?

A short little fluff piece called "A Cut Above The Rest".

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?

Ooooh, that's really tough. Really, really tough. Can I put 2 down? Because I was really proud of "House of Cards" because it was the longest and most involved story I had written (by myself) but I am also proud of "50 First Revelations" which I managed to drag Sue S. into writing with me (and had a wonderful time writing with her.)

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?

Hmmm... that's a hard one. I runnith off at the mouth, so I haven't really had a hard time finishing one. I guess I had a little trouble stamina-wise with House of Cards because it was so long. <shrug>

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?

Hmmm... I'm prolific? LOLS! Seriously - I can't answer questions like this... Maybe that I at least "feel" like I can get into the character's heads a little (at least if I really know the character well)...

9. Your biggest weaknesses?

LOL... I can list more than one? How much time do you have? Hee hee... I forget to "describe" the surroundings with more detail - there's a fine line between not enough detail and too much detail (imho) Sometimes I have problems with the verb tenses switching around on me and other grammatical problems (as Lara and Sue can attest to.) Okay, I'll stop there before I irrevocably damage my self esteem. smile

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?

I like a story with a strong A plot. I mean, don't get me wrong... B plot is important. Especially in a romantic show like LnC... and I love the fluff stories as much as the next person. But writing an A plot story is a "challenge" - at least to me. You have to come up with something interesting (dangerous, involved) and then find a way to "logically" move the characters along to get them to the climatic point of the whole plot. It's just fun. And I like being surprised as I go, at ways I find to tie things together. But, for me, the story has to have romance in it (even if - in the case of my Heroes story - I have to event a character to satisfy my inner romantic)

11. Genre(s) you won't write?

Slash? If that is considered a category. Sorry, but I won't go there...

12. What makes a fic good for you?

Good A & B plots - balanced. Good characterization. Don't let them swing too far one way or the other. Not too much inner dialog, but enough that I know what's going on in the character's head. Inner dialog for me, needs to be balanced with good action and interactive dialog... along with good "description". Let me know what the character is doing while they are talking. Are they pushing hair back out of their eyes? Pacing around the room? Staring into the other person's eyes dreamily? LOL...

[13. What ruins a fic for you?

Really bad grammar/punctuation. I can take a little bit of it being off... but it's distracting if it's too bad. Way out of character, characterizations. I can suspend belief... but only to a point (and only if it's explained).

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?

Ooooh, that's hard because there are so many good authors on here. But, I have to choose my queen, Sue. I learned so much from her. I was so unpolished and rough when she first found me... not that I'm not still... LOL! I'd love to be able to write in her shoes for a story. smile I know I sure enjoyed writing a story WITH her.

15. The best fic you've read recently?

That's another difficult one because I haven't really been reading LnC fic recently. So I'm going to list my top 3 favs that I've read in my time spent here - in no particular order:

- Revisionist History (first story I ever beta'd - & showed me what an awesome world this is to play in)
- A Gift For Life (first story that made me cry multiple times - for real)
- If I Were You (... what can I say... it's just incredible)

And there are so, so, so many others.

Anyway, there's my answers... whether you really wanted them or not - LOL. I've missed you guys! <BIG GROUP HUG> I'll be back one day... I really will... Sorry, my muse is just having too much fun in Heroes land right now.

C-ya all again soon!

-- DJ <who has babbled on WAY TOO LONG... as usual>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.