1. What shall we call you?
Nan will do, although my name is really Nancy (big shock there).

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?
Since 1999. I discovered the Fanfic Archive and read feverishly through it, making up for the lack of anything LnC since the show ended, and idly remarked to my daughter that I thought I might be able to write as well as some of the work I saw there, but I was a little nervous about such a step. She dared me to try (I have a lot of trouble resisting a dare) and so I did.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?
No. Outside of some really bad Star Trek fic in my teens. I threw it away, with good reason.

4. Current stories you're working on?
At the moment I'm working on a sequel for 'The Hottest Team in Town', and dabbling in 'Home: Murder by Earthlight', as well as occasionally fiddling with 'Halloween 2: The Other Side of the Mirror' and a sequel to 'The Newlywed Game'. And then there's the next Dagger Story, when inspiration palls on the others.

5. Your first fic?
Dagger of the Mind

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?
You must be joking. I feel good about a number of stories but I don't know that 'proud' is the word I'd use.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?
Actually, once I really get going I usually don't have much trouble finishing. The problem is starting. The only time I had any trouble was in 2006 when I stalled for months on Supercop 2 and Home: Obsession. It wasn't for lack of knowing where the stories were supposed to go but more a case of being under so much stress with real life issues that I didn't really have the time or energy to write.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?
Uhh -- A-plots, usually complicated ones. And I think I'm pretty good with characterizations. I read a book years ago about writing fiction where they quoted an established author. He advised would-be authors to show the action, not tell, and to include impressions of all the main character's senses when establishing a setting. He also said to include details in order to make it come to life. I remembered that and have tried to stick to that advice ever since.

9. Your biggest weaknesses?
Interpersonal relationships. But I'm working on that. The other one is commas <g>. Just ask any of my editors.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?
Anything with a strong A-Plot. Preferably complicated.

11. Genre(s) you won't write?
I won't write deathfics. And Nfic -- make that *can't* write it. Too much early conditioning as a child. <g>

12. What makes a fic good for you?
It's like art. I can't really say what it is about a good fic that I like. Usually it's a combination of factors, but I know when I read one. And a good ending is a must. Kill off Lois or Clark (or any good main character) and I don't want to read it. Real life can be harrowing enough. I don't need to read about tragedies for entertainment. There's plenty of that in the news.

13. What ruins a fic for you?
A bad ending. Bad grammar that isn't intentionally bad. It jerks me right out of the story. Lois, Clark or any of the established cast badly out of character.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?
Heavens, I don't know. There are a lot of very good authors out there. I don't think I'd want to trade with any of them but I wouldn't mind acquiring some of their talent. Sheila Harper and Jenni Debbage come first to mind, but they aren't the only ones by a long way.

15. The best fic you've read recently?
You mean I'm supposed to actually take the time to read them? These days all I have the time to do is skim them on the message boards. Once in a while one of them really grabs me. If I had to pick one story, I'd say Shayne Terry's 'Strong' was one of the best I've seen in a while.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.